EGG TEMPERA PAINTING - ancient techniques for contemporary artists
9 - 13 June 2025 (fully booked). 22 - 26 September 2025 (2 places left)
price 500€ - does not include accommodation and food.
Egg tempera is a simple and direct medium that can create luminous surfaces richer in colour and transparency than almost any other medium. The excellent condition of the paintings from the fourteenth century demonstrates the durability of this medium.
In egg tempera painting the egg yolk provides a natural emulsion (a stable mixture of oil and water) which when mixed with pigments and distilled water gives a fast drying and highly characteristic painting medium.
The course will start with a presentation on the history of the medium. Students will then be taught how to prepare a gessoed panel. Using natural pigments students will learn how to make the egg tempera paint. We will then explore painting techniques, and the two gilding methods used by Renaissance artists - water gilding onto bole, and oil gilding onto the egg tempera surface.
During the week there will be a demonstration on making pigments from earths and stones, and a visit to a country house to collect eggs and have a vegetarian lunch (included).
A selection of books is available to the students showing examples of medieval, renaissance and contemporary egg tempera painting.
Travel and accommodation to be arranged by students.
" .... the egg tempera course was a wonderful opportunity to come to grips with this challenging but very beautiful medium. Carey was an encouraging and inspiring teacher who was able to explain, demonstrate and elucidate the various processes and techniques that are key to working with this luminous and uniquely beautiful medium. I would thoroughly recommend this course for anyone, from complete beginner to art-professional, curious and interested in this beautiful ancient painting technique. Carey is a warm and creative individual and time spent working with her in her beautiful studio is a unique Sardinian experience."
Rachel Carmichael